THE BEGINNING Our group of traders started to develop software for the purpose of trading with foreign currency. The main goal was to find the most profitable strategy while minimizing the risks. Researching in this matter eventually led us to arbitrage. We developed a robot for trading on the MetaTrader 4 platform and started to actively trade using our own software.
FOUND A WAY We managed some PAMM-accounts for those who wished to gain 200% profit. Since then, more and more people started to contact us via email and Skype requesting our trading robots. It took us a lot of time to finally decide to sell our robots. Eventually we decided to have a community which can help us maximize our personal evolution. We created a forum on our website and began to further develop trading strategies, robots and seeking for fast quotes feeds.
TRADING, RE-IMAGINED This year is characterized by a lot of trading activity. The main goal was to create a centralized feed of quotes, because the conditions of opening a real account of LMAX are made worse by them, hence reducing the quality of incoming ticks. All this was successfully accomplished.
NEW DATA FEED We developed a quote feed based on Rithmic API, and with it we were able to issue many updates regarding unlocking certain transactions.
NEW STRATEGIES New trading robots were developed with external strategies dated back in 2009 and then used in semi-manual mode. Autoclicker has become an independent program to trade binary options and to trade on other platforms.
NEW STRATEGIES We focused back on further development of other platforms. We entirely updated server’s systems and passed to Linux. We connected a new faster feed. AutoClicker migrated to NewHope MT4 / MT5 and it is all part of feed plan. Tons of functions have been added to our software thanks to experience accumulated in these years. New goal and directions to make traders reach a whole new level.
MT TERMINAL? NO THANKS! In this year a unique trading robot (NH FREEDOM) have been developed, based on the protocol Meta Trader 4. From that moment on, we could trade without using a terminal. We started selling a new robot called INSIDE, its main features are: manual orders, quick execution of orders.
INFO SOURCES MATTER A new source feed has been put together, named Bank Stock. It includes liquidity quotes from the TOP 10 world banks. We decided to offer many of our trading robots in bulk, by selling packages named: Bull, Black Swan and API. In November 2020 we made a first announce about the newest and the fastest feed available named TOP OF BOOK, which demonstrated to be superior in all aspects to the famous LMAX.
INFO SOURCES MATTER A new source feed has been put together, named Bank Stock. It includes liquidity quotes from the TOP 10 world banks. We decided to offer many of our trading robots in bulk, by selling packages named: Bull, Black Swan and API. In November 2020 we made a first announce about the newest and the fastest feed available named TOP OF BOOK, which demonstrated to be superior in all aspects to the famous LMAX.
NEW LOGIC A new trading system, New Logic, has been developed. The system became more stable and brought more profit, as it received more accurate signals. Developed 3 packages from beginner to professional.
SERVERS We have put a lot of emphasis on updating the trading servers (VDS) and hardware for fast quote sources. We have put our own servers in 3 data centers: USA , London and Hong Kong. This increased the quality and speed of quote sources.
NEW HOPE TRADER 1. From scratch we have assembled 2 new robots NH Ttrader and NH Ttrader PRO, now even a beginner who has just come to trade on Forex will be able to earn. A program that is out of competition superior to all trading software on the Internet.2. We have opened partnerships in Germany, Italy, Japan, China and Russia. Now there are more of us and it has become convenient for customers to communicate, now you can receive support in your native language.3. Cool conditions: Each client has a personal manager who helps him and teaches him how to trade. We conduct online conferences and trainings free of charge for our clients. Also, the main task is to close the fears of people, now we are helping people to return the funds spent on buying a robot in the first month.
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